The Fourteenth Step

In The Fourteenth Step blog, you will find a variety of articles related to the art of mind-magic and mentalism. Currently, our all-volunteer staff is working to populate this section with scores of effects, tips, and tricks that you can use freely to expand your understand of the art and improve your ability to perform mentalism for others. We welcome contributions from anyone with a passion for the art. Please note that some of the articles, effects, and routines may be password protected. In such cases, all you need to do is sign up for a free account for access.
The information provided in this blog (and only the blog) may be freely shared, by anyone, at anytime subject to Creative Commons licensing.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
If you’re interested in sharing techniques, tips, or tricks you’ve learned along your journey with others here, please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.
The Zancig Code
The Zancig Code To quote Wikipedia, "To this day, the
ESP Symbols
ESP Symbols The Effect: You pull out a deck of
What’s your favorite?
What’s Your Favorite? The Effect: While out with some friends
Electronic devices: The Stuff of Spy Movies
Radio Communications This is CIA, KGB, FBI, Secret Service, MI5
Mr. Wizard’s Telephone
Mr. Wizard’s Telephone This is a spin on a very
What are Co-Conspirators?
Want to look like a total genius with supernatural powers?